If someone os displaying your private info or abusing your name for bad, pornographic activities? you should take these steps immediately
1. It's the time to call the cops.
2. You can also file a cyber complaint here (if you live in India)
3. your area comes under FBI Jurisdiction, navigate here to file a cyber complaint
What you have to provide to FBI Jurisdiction
IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the person who believes they were defrauded or from a third party to the complainant. We can best process your complaint if we receive accurate and complete information from you. Therefore, we request that you provide the following information when filing a complaint:
- Your name
- Your mailing address
- Your telephone number
- The name, address, telephone number, and Web address, if available, of the individual or organization you believe defrauded you.
- Specific details on how, why, and when you believe you were defrauded.
- Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your complaint.
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