Thursday, May 8, 2008

Airtell and Youtube Logo War

youtube airtel logo

Bharti Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India while YouTube, a Google subsidiary, is the largest video sharing site in the world.

Am sure this is purely coincidental but the logo designs of these two very popular brands do bear a striking resemblance including the logo tag-line.

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Save Time and Effort in Typing URL Addresses

With Internet Explorer 6 in Windows XP, typing Web addresses can be a breeze. Here are some tips to make it even easier.

Type the domain of an address in the Address bar and then press CTRL+ENTER. Internet Explorer 6 automatically adds the http:// and the www. and the .com. For example, click in Address bar and type MSN, and then press CTRL+ENTER. Internet Explorer 6 will go to the address

Not sure if the site uses a .com extension? Just type the domain of the address, and then press ENTER. Internet Explorer tries to find the site by using the various extensions.

If you need to edit an address, you can press CTRL+LEFT ARROW and CTRL+RIGHT ARROW to easily move between different parts of the address separated by periods.

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